Chapel - LEADERSHIP Day 3
“If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” 1 Corinthians 12:26–27
Part 1 – LEADERS: (11 minutes)
Click on this link to watch the video – LEADERS
Part 2 – Discussion: (25 minutes)
Which of these statements are untrue?
Leaders differ from influencers in that leaders know they are impacting others and they care about their followers.
Leaders are born that way; some are leaders, and some are not.
Some ways we can safeguard and discover our identities as leaders are reading scripture, listening to mentors, and taking personality tests.
Good leaders define the world and its challenges as they really are and then cast a vision of hope for their followers.
Do you agree that influencers are not the same as leaders? Describe a time you saw someone influence others without actually leading them.
Why do we need other people to help us discover who we are? What are some specific, practical steps you can take to seek out a mentor?
Have you ever seen a leader cast a vision for a group of people? What’s an area of life you are passionate about and where you could see yourself leading others?
Part 3 – Comment: (10 minutes)
Engage this section as a group and post answers to the questions below in the “join the discussion box”. If the box does not show up, email Pastor John your answers.
Read 1 Corinthians 12:26–27 (see above).
How can the principles in this passage help us to be good leaders?
What can these verses teach us about our identities?
Part 4 – Prayer: (10 minutes)
Use this time to pray for each other. You can do that by keeping a prayer request journal or by asking for personal prayer requests or prayers that relate to the day’s topic.
Ask each person to share a strength and a weakness in their personality type.
Spend your remaining time praying for each other by asking the Lord to use each person’s strengths and to empower personal growth.